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Visited Area: Florence

Sept 14-28

Sept 15

Basilica di Santa Croce

The principal Franciscan church in Florence, Italy, and a minor basilica of the Roman Catholic Church, opened in. 1442. (Wikipedia)

Sept 16

Galleria degli Uffizi

World’s most important Renaissance Art collection


Sept 17

Giardino Boboli

Prototype of most royal gardens after the XVI century


Sept 18

Ponte Vecchio 

Sept 19

Basilica di San Lorenzo

One of the largest churches of Florence, Italy, situated at the centre of the city’s main market district, and the burial place of all the principal members of the Medici family from Cosimo il Vecchio to Cosimo III. (Wikipedia)

Sept 20

Sept 21

Palazzo Strozzi, exhibition "Il Cinquecento a Firenze"

Exhibition from Michelangelo and Pontormo to Giambologna

Sept 22

Siena (day trip from Florence)

Duomo di Siena

Construction started: 1215

Style: Italian Gothic, Romanesque, Classical

Architectural styles: Romanesque architecture, Classical architecture, Italian Gothic architecture (Wikipedia)


Museo Civico di Siena

City’s Town Hall, construction started in 1297


Fortezza Medicea

Renaissance fortress built by the Medici family.


Piazza del Campo

Medieval bricked square surrounded by elegant buildings, famous for hosting the Palio horse race. (Wikipedia)


Baptistery of St John

Cathedral baptistery with a bronze relief panel by Donatello on the font, plus 15th-century frescoes.


Logge del Papa

Open-air Renaissance arcade erected in the 15th century by Pope Pius II to honor his family. (Wikipedia)

Sept 23

Palazzo Davanzati

Renaissance home with original home furnishings from the period.

Sept 24

Sept 25

Fiesole: day visit

Musei di Fiesole

Archeological museum with Roman amphiteatre and ruins


Fiesole Cathedral

Romanesque church consecrated in 1028

Sept 26

Opificio delle Pietre Dure

Museum that displays the techniques used to create Pietre Dure. It is also houses an art conservative laboratory.

Sept 27

Palazzo Corsini

Palazzo Corsini is one of the rarest and most prestigious examples of Baroque style in Renaissance Florence and one of the happiest moments of the Florentine painting periods. (


Palazzo Corsini

Biennale Internazionale dell'Antiquariato di Firenze  

the 30th International Biennial Antique Fair (BIAF) in the magnificent Palazzo Corsini: 80 Italian and foreign galleries will present more than 3000 work of arts, paintings, sculptures, drawings, design furniture. (

Sept 28

Departed to Milan

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