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Visited Area: Padua

Special Interest

Oct 11-12

Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua

Construction 1232-1310, no precise style due to modifications. Present styles byzantine, gothic, Romanesque, French, Barroque. Artworks by Donatello


Scrovegni Chapel

With the famous fresco cycle by Giotto, completed about 1305


Palazzo della Ragione

Medieval town hall building, 1218 and enlarged in 1306, The upper floor, called il Salone,  is a vast hall, one of the largest medieval halls of the world (mt. 81x27x27). It has a beautiful wooden ceiling and is decorated by an astounding cycle of  frescoes depicting the astrological theories of Pietro d'Abano, a professor at La Sorbonne in Paris and later at Padua University in the 13th century (turismopadova).


Basilica of Santa Giustina

Built in the 6th century, Latin cross that extends from east to west. At 118.5 meters (389 ft) long and 82 meters (269 ft) wide, the Basilica of Santa Giustina is one of the largest of Christianity; it is seventh largest in Italy (Wikipedia). It contains several Baroque chapels and St. Luke’s grave.


Eremitani Museums

Museum featuring Roman & pre-Roman artifacts along with artwork from the 14th—18th centuries.


Zuckermann Palace

Museum of Applied Arts on the ground and first floor, and the Bottacin Museum with its rich collection of coins and medals on the second.


Padua Baptistery

Romanesque style. Preserved inside is one of the most important fresco cycles of the 14th century, a masterpiece by Giusto de Menabuoi.


Padua Cathedral

The first one was erected in 313 and destroyed by an earthquake on 3 January 1117. It was rebuilt in Romanesque style, the actual basilica was built in the XVI century, Michelangelo was involved, but designed by Della Valle.

Oct 13

Day visit to Vicenza

Van Gogh, Basilica Palladiana

129 works, of which 43 paintings and 86 drawings, arranged in 10 rooms - 5 dedicated to the Dutch period and 5 to the French one, photographs of the places frequented by Van Gogh and that he portrayed in his paintings, as well as works that proved influential for him, a reconstruction of Saint-Paul-de-Mausole's mental health care home in Saint-Rémy and a documentary film about his life. (


Cattedrale di Santa Maria Annunziata

Begun in 1482 by Lorenzo of Bologna, and completed in the 1560s.[1] The dome was planned by Palladio


Giardino Salvi

Opened in 1592, with a Palladian style logia


Prato della Valle

Large square (largest in Italy, 90,000 sq. meters) mostly but around 1775.

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