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Visited Area: Rome Sept. 7-14

Sept. 8

Campo di Fiore

Villa Farnesina

Renaissancee Art, Raphael, Sodoma and Piombo Frescoes, Commissioned by the Chigi.

Loggia of Galatea and the Loggia of Cupid and Psiche by Raphael.


Church of St. Sylvester, Pope, and Saint Dorothy, Virgin and Martyr

Started in 314 AD, Mentioned as a church in 1119, actual building dates from 1750.


Church of Trinità Dei Pellegrini

Baroque style, finished in 1616


Palazzo Barberini


Sept. 9

Palazzo Doria- Pamphilj, Baroque style 


Santa Andrea Della Valle

Baroque style, 1650. Important dome


Plaza Navona

Baroque, 1650’s, Bernini


Sant'Agnese in Agone

17th-century Baroque church. It faces onto the Piazza Navona. Borromini



Roman around 14 AD, inspired many Renaissance buildings


Trevi Fountain

1732, Baroque style, Salvi and Bracci


San Marcello al Corso

The first documentary evidence is in 418. Finished around 1692.


Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti (Spanish Steps)

Opened 1725, Baroque style


Sept. 10

San Giovanni in Laterano

Baroque, several restorations from 312-1878


Sept 11

Capuchin Crypt


Crypt of St Agnes

Daughter of Constantine’s grave


Sept. 12

Chiesa di Sant'Ignazio di Loyola

Built in Baroque style between 1626 and 1650, known for her “fake dome”


Chiesa San Luigi dei Francesi

Baroque, 1589, della Porta, Fontana, Bricci, 3 Caravagios


Santa Maria Sopra Minerva

Gothic architecture, Medieval architecture, Italian Gothic architecture, is the only extant example of original Gothic church building in Rome, behind a Renaissance style façade,. Statues by Michelangelo in the interior.


Sept. 13

Basilica di Santa Cecilia in Trastevere

5th-century church, the façade was built in 1725 by Fuga, e could be conceived as proto-Baroque, since it depicts no idealized moment or person, a theatric scene, a naturalistic representation of a dead saint.

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